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Tomorrow's Solution Leader in Plastic Films Global Green Company, SK microworks Window Films

SK microworks Window film

  • Why Window Film?
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    • Classic
    • Special
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    • Prime
    • Zenith
    • HP Reflective
    • Color Stable
    • Color Safety
  • 건축용필름
    • Galaxy
    • Protector
    • Decorative
    • Silver Metalizing

Home > PRODUCT > 建筑用 > Protector


Protector building window film is clear and vivid, providing safety and security. Protector film reinforces glass strchnth and protects precious customer property and safety from secondary damage. Also, it blocks 99% of hazardous UV rays or more and prevents discoloration of customers’ valuables.
安全用Window Film的优点(安全/防盗薄膜 )
  • 1. 防盗功能出众,防止擅自进入
  • 2. 防止因玻璃破损导致的安全事故和二次损伤隐患
  • 3. 防止玻璃破损后风雨等流入
  • 4. 从因台风、地震、恐怖袭击、爆破等导致的破片,保护身体安全
  • 5. 阻断99%以上的有害紫外线,防止室内设备的掉色·变色和预防皮肤癌
  • 6. 能见度高和视野清晰,保护视力
  • 7. 应用SK microworks自主研发的高级公式,生产有出众的玻璃附着力
Protector Optical Grade film
型号 颜色 可见光透过率 紫外线阻隔率 红外线阻隔率
WBC 90 (2mil) Clear 89% 99%↑ - - 0.3%
WBC 90 (4mil) Clear 81% 99%↑ - - 0.7%
WBC 90 (7mil) Clear 82% 99%↑ - - 2.4%
WBC 90 (12mil) Clear 83% 99%↑ - - 3.0%
WBC 90 (15mil) Clear 84% 99%↑ - - 3.0%
WBC 7535 (4mil) Clear 85% 99%↑ 58% 32% 0.9%
99% UV Ray Blocking, It protects skin and room furniture discoloration by blocking 99% of UV rays, Saving Energy by 20%, Cool in the summer and warm in the winter, Glass Shatterproof from Typhoon Impact, Glass is resistant to breaking and shatterproof in the event of typhoon or physical impact, Clear Vision, Ultra-clear window film, and provides outstanding visibility.
Visible Light Transmitted 这是在太阳辐射能中,可见光(380~780nm)透过薄膜的比率,15%是意味着共透过15%的可见光,一般是指薄膜的浓度。
UV Rejected 这是有害紫外线的阻隔比率,保护驾驶员的眼睛和皮肤,最大降低汽车内部的变性。所有汽车用SK microworks窗膜可以阻断99%以上的紫外线。
IR Rejected 红外线阻隔率是只测定红色可见光那边的领域,与热密切相关。越是高功能的薄膜,在同样浓度下,红外线阻隔率越高,提供更好的隔热效果。
Total Solar Energy Rejected 这是指在总光能中,被薄膜透入、反射、吸收的比率。TSER越高,隔热效果越强。一旦提高浓度,TSER立即上升,所以同时考虑红外线阻隔率。
Haze 这是薄膜的浊度数值,数值越低,提供越清晰、鲜明的视野。SK microworks已在全球生产行业最低水平(0.4~0.6%)的超高透明度窗膜。
Scratch Resistant 这是防止薄膜表面的划伤,长期保持干净状态的因素。SK microworks窗膜是使用最高的硬化涂层技术,提供极强的耐久性。